Sunday, February 06, 2005

when life gets in the way

got into Uni, freaking out man, start next week. new house is ready - ish except the floor polisher bastards did a shit job and have to fix bits.went to the big day out after party and got grumpy with my friend for leaving me there after taking some 18 year old home, promptly paid her back by drinking copious amounts of (more) beer and taking TWO guys home, ok well I didnt bring them home and one of them was a knob and it would have been a good idea if id managed to just stick with the one but feh, missing real proper sensible male adult company and yes sex, i am missing the sex, maybe losing one of my jobs, got a phone call tonight about gaining another, still have to actually move house, still babysitting the chinese boy (who should know better the little shit who goes out to buy a phonecard and isnt back 9 hours later) Friend of mines son was killed on his bike last night, rest easy and I hope Dougie wherever you are that its better.
Life goes on, or it doesnt. I aim to be more vigilant in the near future just let me get through the next couple of weeks.


knifey said...

Congrats on the sex - you did get sex yes?

Flaming Goddess said...

uni is not fun but not the most horrid thing i have had to do. if i didnt have to do assignments id be having a ball, but i do so .. no ball.
no sex either. what a fuckin dry spell.!