Thursday, January 13, 2005

Once were worriers

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. n stuff.
Had my first go at NLP today (neuro linguistic programming) and apparently went back and cleared some blocks, re programmed some neurons nad imprinted some happy thoughts on my troubled childness.
I also walked up and down a room with my eyes shut which is a feat in itself.
I am desperate to rid myself of the crap that floats behind me with regard to the relationship (or lack therof) i have with my mother. did i mention that i bought a house with her two years ago? no didnt think so. anyhow. its brought up all the niggly shitty crappy hateful fuckass things that its supposed to so i can get rid of them and start to blossom, or something.
I am so ready for some direction and creativity channeling.
Bring it On !

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