Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Happy Saturday Everyone,
Thanks for the heads up about the double post, thought id made a teensy amendment but seems i just recreated my error in all its glory, all fixed now.
I am still plodding through my assignment, its the same damn thing every time, i protest and scream and throw things and threaten to pack it all in (again) and end up handing up some piece of rubbish and passing , usually with a p1 or credit, before the whole cycle starts again.
At this rate, of doing one subject a semester (because I got a pretty much fulltime hours but only casual status job two months after I went back to uni I've had to pull right back) I only have 14 years left of this crap. 144 units of work, ive done 18 if i do summer and winter school i can cut it to 7 years. theres a way to cheer myself up. not.
I wish i could be barcode scanned and assesed as good enough and they just let me have the damn degree. i hate regurgitating stuff, the hardest part is figuring out what they want to hear and how they want to hear it. which does my head in becasue its all bullshit.
I will try to keep this in mind when I am marking your grandchildrens assignments :)

hey guess what . i did it ! took me 18 years..


Your Mum said...

Get better soon, Darling.

Chai said...

Not wanting to kick anyone while they're down but you've got this blog entry twice on your blog. Thought u'd like to know.

Flaming Goddess said...

AFE: am on the mend nicely apart from hayfever from hell and assignment stress.

Chai: thanks, was just adding a k to thans and it republished the whole thing. i swear i hit edit. (mutters under breath) have put up a new post as punishment :)

fg x

BwcaBrownie said...

You are so right about the Uni thing. Lecturers and their idiot PowerPoint presentations and rote speil from 'The Instructor's Textbook' (Readers Digest) version of the student's textbook weighing 3 kilos and costing $95. oh don't get me started. I am so worked up about that bitch Emma Tom today. She hopes to make filthy lucre from pointing out that Princess Mary was Size 14 when Freddie fell in love with her. So?
dear fg love and good luck from me.