Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Public Service Announcement

Because I have nothing else of note to report I will just give out a handy hint

If you insist on taking home a scottish man to shag and he turns out to be a "talker" and says things like "do ya like my cock in yer pussy" it WILL remind you of Fat Bastard and it WILL NOT get you off.

that is all.


BwcaBrownie said...

greetings Flaming Goddess. I have been scared to visit here since that post on the New York nude guy.
So sorry to hear that you had to take your lungs in for servicing and I hope you get back to fighting n fking condition real soon. xxxx from brownie

LadyCracker said...

duly noted


Anonymous said...

LMAO - you don't have that on video by any chance?