Saturday, July 23, 2005

It will be-ee, It will be so nice

I've just booked a HOLIDAY, an actual out of the house ,the state, the country H O L I D A Y

I have decided that paying extra tax all year round is a much better way of saving than actually trying to put it somewhere myself where i cannot touch it.

So, the junior miss and I are off to New Zealand for three weeks in January Im so excited, I havent been there since I was 4 (thats 30 years ago folks and far out that makes me feel old.)

where was I , oh yeah, excited, and Im not often excited let me tell you. I havent been this chuffed about something since I purchased a sexy new graphics tablet for myself and that was yesterday so this week is a good one for the frivolous purchases / deserved rewards.

I have family in NZ so its not like totally uncharted territory but I promised the junior miss that I'd take her overseas before she turned 12 (and had to pay adult fare) Im cutting it a bit fine because she will have her birthday smack bang in the middle of the HOLIDAY but nevertheless If I do this for her as promised then the next holiday can involve me and beer and she can stay with Grandma.

1 comment:

BwcaBrownie said...

Having the treat to look forward to will be such a little sparkplug for you. onya!